household product
Stewardship alliance

a non-profit producer responsibility organization

Who is HPSA?

The Household Product Stewardship Alliance (HPSA), is a nonprofit producer responsibility organization recognized under section 501(c)(3).

HPSA was founded to support participating producers’ adherence with extended producer responsibility (EPR) laws for household hazardous waste (HHW) materials in states where HPSA is the approved stewardship organization.


Support and streamline producer compliance
with EPR laws for HHW materials.


Manage the collection and distribution of funding to enhance the
safe collection and disposal of covered HHW products.


Develop program plans that achieve meaningful environmental outcomes
and ease of collection in a cost-efficient manner.


Raise consumer awareness by developing and implementing public
education and outreach initiatives about proper disposal practices.



HPSA is committed to providing innovative solutions to tackle pressing waste management issues.

To kickstart HPSA’s programmatic activities, the Household and Commercial Products Association
is seeking start-up funding from producers.

Investing in HPSA offers a unique opportunity
to lead in innovative product stewardship practices.

By supporting HPSA’s launch, your organization will not only aid in the development of cutting-edge initiatives addressing critical environmental challenges, but also enhance its reputation as an action-driven leader in corporate social responsibility.

For more information on HPSA founding membership,
please contact 


Are you an impacted producer?
Stay connected with HPSA by clicking here.

What is EPR for HHW?

EPR policies and legislative initiatives have steadily gained momentum across the United States, with a variety of approaches emerging at the State-level. Notably, in June 2023, Vermont enacted Act 58, the nation’s first law requiring manufacturers to establish an EPR program for products considered HHW. The California State Legislature is currently considering an EPR for HHW law and other states may follow suit.

The key difference between EPR for HHW, in comparison to paper and packaging, is the nature of waste requires specialized handling and disposal methods to ensure adherence with safety and environmental protocols. Paper and packaging typically involve curbside collection programs, recycling centers, and facilities that sort and process these materials for reuse.



In June 2023, Vermont enacted Act 58, the nation’s first law requiring manufacturers to establish an EPR program for products considered HHW. The law requires manufacturers of household products containing substances deemed hazardous (toxic, corrosive, ignitable or reactive) to participate in a stewardship organization and implement a plan to reimburse municipalities for the collection of HHW products. The law includes other obligations ranging from broad educational campaigns to adding HHW product collection sites in the state.

Many consumer/household products are considered candidates for special segregated collection and management, apart from normal household trash.

Examples of Covered Products

  • Aerosols
  • Automotive products
  • Flammable degreasers & adhesives
  • Hazardous cleaners
  • Kerosene
  • Lighter fluid
  • Mineral spirits
  • Mercury products
  • Paint thinners
  • Paint stripper/remover
  • Pesticides
  • Rust and tar remover
  • Turpentine
  • Non-refillable gas cylinders not exceeding 50 lbs. water capacity
  • Vape Pens

Stay Informed

“The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources is conducting a virtual meeting on
August 12th from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET that will provide producers with information needed to comply with the law and contacts for HPSA.  The meeting will offer an opportunity for producers to ask questions and better prepare in advance of regulatory deadlines.  Information on how to join the meeting will be shared with those who have signed up to receive HPSA news and updates.”  

Stay Connected

Please fill out the form to receive regular updates about compliance,
HPSA news, events, or if you have questions/feedback.